You love me, don’t you?
I think that’s pretty clear
When you hold my hand, kiss me,
Or whisper in my ear…
I love you, don’t I?
Because you’re always in my thoughts,
I get butterflies that flutter,
My stomach in knots.
You can’t stop thinking about me, can you?
I see the way you stare!
Goodness, you’re adorable!
Just like this love affair!
I can’t stop thinking about you, can I?
I think I’ve gone mad!
Because when you’re gone, guess what?
I get terribly sad!
Did you notice that…
When it rains, we don’t notice we’re wet?
Because ever since
That fateful day we met,
The only thing we saw was each other.
People called us fools in love,
But I think they’re just bitter!
Did you notice that…
We laugh at everything we see?
I guess it’s because we’re bonkers!
To us, the lot of the world is funny!
Did you notice me notice...
That you were looking at me?
Because when I noticed you noticed
I figured there’s no where else I’d rather be...
So here we are, trapped in this moment.
Me and you - spellbound in time.
With love so sugary and astounding,
And all-around sublime.
So everyone can be jealous!
All those bachelorettes and bachelors.
We’ll ignore their negativity, for
Only our love really matters!
p/s:tis of course nt me write i nt good in eng ( hahaha)